
What do you mean by not-for-profit?

LaravelCollective started as a website to help maintain old code components that were removed from the Laravel core. Since then it's morphed into a developer index which encourages developers to create long term business relationships with clients. As such, we see it as our responsiblity to invest the bulk of our revenue back into the community.

Where does the money go?

  • 40% Advertising
  • 35% Community Sponsorships
  • 25% Maintenance, Development, and Hosting

What do you mean by Advertising?

Overall, we have envisioned LaravelCollective to be a collective way for LaravelDevelopers to get noticed, and build those long term business relationships. As such, we have to get noticed as a website. 40% of all our revenue goes into various advertising campaigns to drive traffic to LaravelCollective and help get developers noticed.

Who do we sponsor in which community?

The PHP and Laravel communities are large and have many overlapping people. There will be core sponorships to members of the Laravel community who are consistently creating great open-source tooling for all developers. We will create a transparency page once the sponsorships begin in order to make it clear who gets what piece of the pie.

Take your time!